Sam's statistics for Total War: WARHAMMER

Sam's Game List  >  Total War: WARHAMMER

Achievements completed: 25 (13.51%)

Achievements: (25 / 185):
# Global Completion % Description API Name
1 49.50% Leadership Test: Have a single Lord make 100 kills during a battle. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_KILL_100_WITH_LORD
2 48.00% Bloodthirsty: Have a single unit make 200 kills during a battle. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_KILL_200_WITH_SINGLE_UNIT
3 44.00% Murder As Art: Kill 10,000 enemies in battle. ACHIEVEMENT_KILL_10000_MEN_IN_BATTLE
4 44.00% Fire Dragon: Cause more damage to a unit due to its weakness against fire. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CAUSE_EXTRA_DAMAGE_DUE_TO_FIRE_WEAKNESS
5 43.40% Pennypincher: Have a net income of 5,000 gold per turn. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_ECONOMY_INCOME_GROSS_1
6 40.10% Veteran: Have a level 20 general. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CHARACTERS_LORD_LEVEL_2
7 37.40% Black Powder Pounder: Kill 200 enemies with siege artillery during a single battle. ACHIEVEMENT_B_KILL_200_MEN_WITH_SEIGE_ARTILLERY_IN_A_SIEGE_BATTLE
8 32.40% Spells 'n' Skills 'n' Stuff: Use 5 or more special abilities during a campaign battle. ACHIEVEMENT_USE_5_SPECIAL_ABILITIES_IN_A_CAMPAIGN_BATTLE
9 31.00% Arcane Spoils: Have 10 magic weapons or items of magic armour. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CHARACTERS_ANCILLARIES_WEAPONS_2
10 29.20% Gatebreaker: During a siege battle, destroy a gate using Dwarfen Miners or a monstrous unit. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_DESTROYED_GATE_IN_MELEE
11 26.80% Highly Unlikely: Win a siege battle without fielding any siege equipment. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_BATTLE_CHALLENGE_NO_SIEGE_EQUIPMENT_1
12 26.10% Independence Lost: Playing as the Empire, occupy Marienburg and Gorssel. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CONQUEST_OCCUPY_MARIENBURG_GORSSEL_EMP
13 25.90% Dibna: Playing as the Dwarfs, research 20 technologies. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_RESEARCH_DWARF_1
14 25.00% Grafs of the Empire: Playing as the Empire, win a campaign land battle with three or more Lords and Heroes in your army. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_WIN_EMPIRE_CAMPAIGN_BATTLE_WITH_3_CHARACTERS
15 24.80% Keeper of Relics: Have 10 magic talismans, enchanted items, or arcane items. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CHARACTERS_ANCILLARIES_TRINKETS_2
16 24.50% Master Tactician: Win 50 land battles during a campaign. ACHIEVEMENT_WIN_50_CAMPAIGN_LAND_BATTLES
17 23.00% Aspirant: Playing as the Vampire Counts, research 12 technologies. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_RESEARCH_VAMPIRE_1
18 22.60% Paragon: Have a level 30 general. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CHARACTERS_LORD_LEVEL_3
19 22.50% Down in the Underway at Midnight: Win 5 Underway battles during a single campaign. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_WIN_5_CAMPAIGN_UNDERWAY_BATTLES
20 22.30% The Most Enduring: Playing as the Dwarfs, upgrade the city of Karaz-a-Karak to level 5. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CONSTRUCTION_KARAZ_A_KARAK_GREAT_HOLD
21 22.20% Up For A Scrap: Play a multiplayer battle. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_BATTLE_MULTIPLAYER_BATTLES_1
22 21.00% A Time of War & Heroes: Have a single Hero make 100 kills during a battle. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_KILL_100_WITH_HERO
23 20.90% Leonardo's Daemon: Playing as the Empire, recruit a Steam Tank to one of your armies. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_UNITS_STEAMTANK_1
24 20.90% The Stuff of Legend: Win a campaign battle in which you are outnumbered 10-to-1. ACHIEVEMENT_BATTLE_WON_10_TO_1_BALANCE_OF_POWER
25 20.60% Jack of All Trades, Master of Some: Use 100 abilities during campaign battles. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_TOTAL_SPECIAL_ABILITIES_USED_IN_A_CAMPAIGN
26 20.10% Accessories by Kemmler: Playing as the Vampire Counts, upgrade the city of Castle Drakenhof to level 5. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CONSTRUCTION_DRAKENHOF_LEVEL_5
27 19.90% This is Bat Country: Playing as the Vampire Counts, recruit a Terrorgheist to one of your armies. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_UNITS_TERRORGHEIST_1
28 19.90% Sap of the Beaming Sun: Playing as the Wood Elves or Argwylon, spend a point of Amber. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_WOOD_ELVES_SPEND_AMBER
29 19.30% A Confrontational Nature: Play a multiplayer campaign. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_PLAY_MP_CAMPAIGN
30 18.80% Damned Soul: Playing as Chaos, research 8 technologies. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_RESEARCH_CHAOS_1
31 18.20% The Industry of Drinking: Playing as the Dwarfs, produce at least 100 beers per turn. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_ECONOMY_RESOURCE_PRODUCTION_BEER_DWF
32 17.70% Loyal Retainers: Have 2 level 20 Heroes at the same time. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CHARACTERS_HERO_LEVEL_2
33 17.20% Bit of a Bonfire: Besiege and raze 30 settlements in a single campaign. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CONQUEST_RAZE_SETTLEMENTS_30
34 17.10% Walk the Green Way: Playing as the Wood Elves, recruit a Treeman unit to one of your armies. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_UNITS_WOOD_ELVES_TREEMAN_1
35 16.80% Swift Half of Bugman's XXXXXX?: Construct a Renowned Brewery at Karag Dromar. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CONSTRUCTION_KARAG_DROMAR_BREWERY
36 16.20% Warriors of Cythral: Playing as the Wood Elves, recruit a Wildwood Ranger unit to one of your armies. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_UNITS_WOOD_ELVES_RANGER_1
37 16.20% Taking the Initiative: Win 25 siege attack battles during a campaign. ACHIEVEMENT_WIN_25_CAMPAIGN_SIEGE_ATTACK_BATTLES
38 16.10% Merchant: Have access to 10 different tradable resources through production or trade. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_ECONOMY_RESOURCE_ACCESS_3
39 15.80% Queen of the Wasteland: Construct the Port of Marienburg. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CONSTRUCTION_MARIENBURG_PORT
40 15.70% We Are Legion: Construct a Ruinous Warhost in one of your hordes. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CONSTRUCTION_RUINOUS_WARHOST_1
41 15.00% Armchair General: Play 5 multiplayer battles. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_BATTLE_MULTIPLAYER_BATTLES_5
42 14.90% Brynduraz Excavator: Construct the Brightstone Mine at Mount Gunbad. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CONSTRUCTION_BRIGHTSTONE_MINE
43 14.80% Heart of the Forest: Playing as the Wood Elves or Argwylon, upgrade the Oak of Ages to level 2. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CONSTRUCTION_OAK_OF_AGES_LEVEL_2
44 13.90% The Meek Shall Inherit: Get an Undead/Goblin/Chaos/Empire militia unit to the highest level of experience. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_GET_TIER_1_TO_TOP_LEVEL_EXPERIENCE
45 13.90% Skinflint: Have a net income of 20,000 gold per turn. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_ECONOMY_INCOME_GROSS_2
46 13.30% Ambassador: Have a military alliance with 10 other factions at the same time. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_DIPLOMACY_CONCURRENT_ALLIANCES_3
47 13.20% Disciple of the Spider God: Playing as the Greenskins, recruit an Arachnarok to one of your armies. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_UNITS_ARACHNAROK_1
48 13.20% The Journey's End: Complete all quest battles for a single character. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_SINGLE_CHARACTER_COMPLETED_ALL_QUEST_BATTLES
49 12.90% At the World's Edge: Construct a Mason at the Misty Mountain. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CONSTRUCTION_MISTY_MOUNTAIN_MASON
50 12.80% Elector Count: Win a campaign as the Empire. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_WINNING_EMPIRE_3
51 12.70% Outgunned & Outmatched: Win a campaign land battle where you have spent half or less on units than the enemy. ACHIEVEMENT_WIN_CUSTOM_BATTLE_WITH_FORCE_COSTING_HALF_THAN_ENEMY
52 12.40% Allegiance to the Gods: Playing as Norsca or the Wintertooth, raise your first monolith to the Gods. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_NORSCA_ANY_RAZE_ANY_SETTLEMENT
53 12.30% Herald of Famine, Undeath & War: Playing as the Vampire Counts, recruit a Black Coach to one of your armies. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_UNITS_BLACK_COACH_1
54 12.30% Son of Grungni: Construct the Throne Hall of the High King at Karaz-a-Karak. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CONSTRUCTION_HIGH_KING_THRONE_ROOM
55 12.30% Little Tinkerer: Playing as the Greenskins, research 8 technologies. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_RESEARCH_GREENSKINS_1
56 12.00% Ironclad: Construct a Dwarfen Shipyard. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CONSTRUCTION_DWARFEN_SHIPYARD_1
57 11.90% Keeper of the Royal Armoury: Have 25 magic weapons or items of magic armour. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CHARACTERS_ANCILLARIES_WEAPONS_3
58 11.60% A Nice Bit of Claret: Construct the Bordeleaux Wine Market. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CONSTRUCTION_BORDELAUX_WINE_MARKET
59 11.40% The Secret of the Grail: Playing as Bretonnia, Bordeleaux, or Carcassonne, recruit the Grail Reliquae into an army. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_GRAIL_RELIQUAE_BRETONNIA
60 11.20% Knightly Misconduct: Playing as Bretonnia, Bordeleaux, or Carcassonne, have negative Chivalry during a campaign. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_NEGATIVE_CHIVALRY_BRETONNIA
61 10.90% A Matter of Aim: Construct the Nuln Gunnery School at Nuln. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CONSTRUCTION_NULN_GUNNERY_SCHOOL
62 10.90% Dwarf King: Win a campaign as the Dwarfs. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_WINNING_DWARFS_3
63 10.50% Slave to Darkness: Playing as Chaos, research 16 technologies. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_RESEARCH_CHAOS_2
64 10.40% Master Engineer: Playing as the Empire, research 20 technologies. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_RESEARCH_EMPIRE_2
65 10.30% The Curse of Praag: Besiege and sack the cursed city of Praag. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CONQUEST_SACK_PRAAG
66 10.20% Vala-Azril-Ungol: Construct a Great Hold in Karak Eight Peaks WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CONSTRUCTION_KARAK_EIGHT_PEAKS_GREAT_HOLD
67 9.80% Slaughter of the Anything-But Innocent: Kill 100,000 enemies in battle. ACHIEVEMENT_KILL_100000_MEN_IN_BATTLE
68 9.80% Order of the Panther: Construct the Knights Panther Chapterhouse at Carroburg. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CONSTRUCTION_KNIGHTS_PANTHER_CHAPTERHOUSE
69 9.70% Calling the Warherd: Playing as Beastmen, win a battle with a brayherd army as reinforcements. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_WINNING_BEASTMEN_BRAYHERD_REINFORCEMENTS
70 9.60% Skilled Engineer: Playing as the Dwarfs, research 40 technologies. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_RESEARCH_DWARF_2
71 9.40% Necromancer: Playing as the Vampire Counts, research 24 technologies. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_RESEARCH_VAMPIRE_2
72 9.30% Get a Big Smelly Git: Playing as the Greenskins, recruit a Giant to one of your armies. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_UNITS_GREENSKIN_GIANT_1
73 9.00% Unberogen Unearthed: Playing as the Vampire Counts, occupy or raze the Imperial capital at Altdorf. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CONQUEST_OCCUPY_RAZE_ALTDORF_VMP
74 9.00% Maze of Torment, Maze of Death: Construct a Cursed Labyrinth in one of your hordes. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CONSTRUCTION_CURSED_LABYRINTH_1
75 8.90% Merchant Prince: Have a trade agreement with 10 other factions at the same time. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_DIPLOMACY_CONCURRENT_TRADE_AGREEMENTS_3
76 8.40% Ar-Ulric: Construct the Great Temple of Ulric at Middenheim. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CONSTRUCTION_GREAT_TEMPLE_OF_ULRIC
77 8.30% Northern Powerhouse: Playing as Norsca or the Wintertooth, recruit a Mammoth. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_NORSCA_ANY_RECRUIT_CHAOS_WAR_MAMMOTH
78 8.30% Raiderz: Playing as the Greenskins, have a raiding income of 1,000. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_ECONOMY_INCOME_RAIDING_1
79 8.10% A Few Mild Impalings Amongst Friends: Construct the Tournament Grounds at Couronne. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CONSTRUCTION_TOURNAMENT_GROUNDS
80 8.10% Where Be Thy Treasure, There Be Thy Heart: Playing as Bretonnia, construct the Abbey of the Grail Companions building during a campaign. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_ABBEY_GRAIL_COMPANIONS_BRETONNIA
81 7.70% Conqueror of the Southern Coasts: Occupy Magritta, Miragliano and Myrmiddens. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CONQUEST_OCCUPY_SOUTH_COAST
82 7.60% Troll Slayer: Playing as Norsca, destroy the Wintertooth faction. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_NORSCA_NORSCA_DESTROY_WINTERTOOTH
83 7.50% Charnel Valley: Win 5 ambush battles during a single campaign. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_WIN_5_CAMPAIGN_AMBUSH_BATTLES
84 7.50% Meddler in Magic: Have 25 magic talismans, enchanted items, or arcane items. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CHARACTERS_ANCILLARIES_TRINKETS_3
85 6.90% Capture the Zoggin' Flag!: Successfully besiege and capture a city by seizing its victory points during a campaign battle. ACHIEVEMENT_SIEGE_AND_CAPTURE_CITY_BY_VICTORY_POINTS
86 6.90% Total Waaagh!: Playing the Greenskins, win a battle with a Waaagh! army as reinforcements. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_GREENSKINS_WIN_BATTLE_WITH_WAAAGH_REINFORCEMENT
87 6.70% The Hunt Begins!: Playing as Norsca or the Wintertooth, complete a Monster Hunt. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_NORSCA_ANY_COMPLETE_MONSTER_HUNT
88 6.60% Archlord of Chaos: Win a campaign as Chaos. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_WINNING_CHAOS_3
89 6.30% Vampire Count: Win a campaign as the Vampire Counts. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_WINNING_VAMPIRES_3
90 6.20% Through the Skin to the Soul: Playing as Beastmen, recruit a Cygor to one of your armies. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_UNITS_BEASTMEN_CYGOR_1
91 5.90% Armchair Emperor: Play 25 multiplayer battles. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_BATTLE_MULTIPLAYER_BATTLES_25
92 5.50% Yn Edri Eternos: Playing as the Wood Elves or Argwylon, upgrade the Oak of Ages to level 5. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CONSTRUCTION_OAK_OF_AGES_LEVEL_5
93 5.40% Sailor on the Sea of Claws: Construct the Port of Erengrad. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CONSTRUCTION_ERENGRAD_PORT
94 5.40% Something Rotten in the State of Kislev: Playing as the Vampire Counts, occupy or raze Kislev. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CONQUEST_OCCUPY_RAZE_KISLEV_VMP
95 5.30% Take the Oath: Construct the Great Slayer Shrine at Karak Kadrin. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CONSTRUCTION_GREAT_SLAYER_SHRINE
96 5.10% Four Corners of the Old World: Occupy Fort Straghov, Luccini, Lyonesse and Castle Drakenhof. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CONQUEST_OCCUPY_CORNERS
97 5.00% More Luck Than Judgement: Playing as the Greenskins, research 16 technologies. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_RESEARCH_GREENSKINS_2
98 5.00% Lichemaster: Playing as the Vampire Counts, research 36 technologies. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_RESEARCH_VAMPIRE_3
99 4.90% Approaching Daemonhood: Playing as Chaos, research 24 technologies. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_RESEARCH_CHAOS_3
100 4.80% Eye for a Ruinous Eye: Playing as Beastmen, win the Eye for an Eye challenge campaign. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_WINNING_BEASTMEN_EYE
101 4.70% Glade Lord: Playing as the Wood Elves or Argwylon, win the grand campaign. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_WINNING_WOOD_ELVES_2
102 4.70% Inventor-General: Playing as the Empire, research 30 technologies. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_RESEARCH_EMPIRE_3
103 4.40% Tribal Chief: Playing as Norsca or the Wintertooth, occupy all the regions of Norsca. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_NORSCA_ANY_OCCUPY_NORSCA_REGIONS
104 4.30% Blessed Be The Lady: Playing as Carcassonne, construct the Tower of the Enchantress building during a campaign. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_CARCASSONNE_TOWER_BRETONNIA
105 4.20% Honour Guard: Have 3 level 30 Heroes at the same time. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CHARACTERS_HERO_LEVEL_3
106 4.00% The Secret of the Grail: Playing as the Vampire Counts, occupy or raze the Bretonnian capital at Couronne. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CONQUEST_OCCUPY_RAZE_COURONNE_VMP
107 4.00% Mine Castle; Mine Home: Construct at least 5 Vampire's Keeps. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CONSTRUCTION_VAMPIRE_KEEP_5
108 3.90% You vs. the Great Unclean Ones: Defeat a CA staff member, or anyone else who has this achievement, during a multiplayer battle. ACHIEVEMENT_BEAT_CA_STAFF
109 3.90% The Hunt Rides Out: Playing as the Wood Elves or Argwylon, win the Season of Revelation challenge campaign. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_WINNING_WOOD_ELVES_REVELATION
110 3.80% Let Us Prey: Playing as Bretonnia, Bordeleaux, or Carcassonne, win the Old World campaign. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_WINNING_BRETONNIA_3
111 3.80% Da Big Warboss: Win a campaign as the Greenskins. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_WINNING_GREENSKINS_3
112 3.70% The Ultimate Grudge: Playing as the Empire, raze the Dwarfs' capital at Karaz-a-Karak. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CONQUEST_RAZE_KARAZ_A_KARAK_EMP
113 3.60% Dark Academy: Playing as the Vampires, construct the Altdorf Colleges of Magic. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CONSTRUCTION_COLLEGE_OF_MAGIC_VMP
114 3.40% Neighbours of the Beast: Playing as Beastmen, raze the Imperial capital at Altdorf and the Bretonnian capital at Couronne. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CONQUEST_RAZE_ALTDORF_BEASTMEN
115 3.30% Goldgatherer: Have a net income of 60,000 gold per turn. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_ECONOMY_INCOME_GROSS_3
116 3.20% Every Dog Has Its Day: Playing as Norsca or the Wintertooth, gain total devotion to the Great Hound. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_NORSCA_ANY_END_GAME_HOUND
117 3.20% Non-Traditionalist: Playing as the Dwarfs, research 60 technologies. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_RESEARCH_DWARF_3
118 3.20% None Shall Pass!: Win 25 siege defence battles during a campaign. ACHIEVEMENT_WIN_25_CAMPAIGN_SIEGE_DEFEND_BATTLES
119 3.00% Conqueror? God, More Like!: Kill 250,000 enemies in battle. ACHIEVEMENT_KILL_250000_MEN_IN_BATTLE
120 3.00% Marauding Hordes: Playing as Norsca or the Wintertooth, win a campaign on any difficulty. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_NORSCA_ANY_WIN_CAMPAIGN
121 3.00% Sentinel of the North: Construct a City Watch, Tall Walls or Reinforced Walls building at Fort Straghov, Fort Ostrosk and Fort Jakova. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CONSTRUCTION_GARRISON_NORTH_FORTS
122 3.00% Waaagh! on da North!: Playing as the Greenskins, occupy Kraka Drak, Khazid Bordkarag and Sjoktraken. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CONQUEST_OCCUPY_NORTH_GRN
123 2.90% I'm Da Boss!: Construct at least 10 Boss' Camps. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CONSTRUCTION_BOSS_CAMP_10
124 2.70% First Among Equals: Win a multiplayer campaign. ACHIEVEMENT_WIN_MP_CAMPAIGN
125 2.70% Waaagh! on Altdorf!: Playing as the Greenskins, raze the Imperial capital at Altdorf. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CONQUEST_RAZE_ALTDORF_GRN
126 2.60% The Brotherhood of Seamen & Pilots: Playing as Bordeleaux, construct the Manann's Dry Docks building during a campaign. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_BORDELEAUX_DOCKS_BRETONNIA
127 2.20% Chief Spanna Whacka: Playing as the Greenskins, research 24 technologies. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_RESEARCH_GREENSKINS_3
128 2.20% The Purifying Flames: Besiege and raze 100 settlements in a single campaign. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CONQUEST_RAZE_SETTLEMENTS_100
129 2.00% Home Sweet Home: Playing as the Wintertooth, occupy the settlement of Erengrad in Troll Country. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_NORSCA_WINTERTOOTH_OCCUPY_ERENGRAD
130 2.00% Reikscaptain: Playing as the Empire, have at least 10 Reiksguard units in a single army. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_UNITS_REIKSGUARD_10
131 1.90% The Unnatural Order: Playing as Beastmen, win the grand campaign. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_WINNING_BEASTMEN
132 1.80% Good Raiderz: Playing as the Greenskins, have a raiding income of 3,000. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_ECONOMY_INCOME_RAIDING_2
133 1.80% Emperor: Win a campaign as the Empire on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_WINNING_EMPIRE_2
134 1.70% High King of the Dwarfs: Win a campaign as the Dwarfs on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_WINNING_DWARFS_2
135 1.70% A Nest of Vipers: Playing as Norsca or the Wintertooth, gain total devotion to the Great Serpent. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_NORSCA_ANY_END_GAME_SERPENT
136 1.60% Where Eagles Dare: Playing as Norsca or the Wintertooth, gain total devotion to the Great Eagle. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_NORSCA_ANY_END_GAME_EAGLE
137 1.60% Not All Crows Are Ravens: Playing as Norsca or the Wintertooth, gain total devotion to the Carrion Crow. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_NORSCA_ANY_END_GAME_CROW
138 1.50% Sigmar Reborn: Win a singleplayer campaign on Legendary difficulty. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_WINNING_LEGENDARY
139 1.50% Lady Protect Thee!: Playing as the Empire, raze the Bretonnian capital at Couronne. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CONQUEST_RAZE_COURONNE_EMP
140 1.40% The Everchosen: Win a campaign as Chaos on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_WINNING_CHAOS_2
141 1.40% Forged in Hell: Have at least 10 Chaos Knights in a single army. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_UNITS_CHAOS_KNIGHTS_10
142 1.40% Morr's Mate: Construct at least 20 Lychyards or Ossuaries. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CONSTRUCTION_OSSUARY_20
143 1.30% Swag 'n' Plunder!: Construct at least 20 Da Hoards. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CONSTRUCTION_DA_HOARD_20
144 1.30% Von Carstein's Return: Win a campaign as the Vampire Counts on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_WINNING_VAMPIRES_2
145 1.20% Death from Above!: Win a campaign battle using only flying units. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_BATTLE_CHALLENGE_FLYING_ONLY_1
146 1.20% The Ravages of Gorthor: Playing as Beastmen, win the grand campaign on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_WINNING_BEASTMEN_LEGENDARY
147 1.10% King in the Woods: Playing as the Wood Elves or Argwylon, win the grand campaign on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_WINNING_WOOD_ELVES_3
148 1.10% For the Lady!: Playing as Bretonnia, Bordeleaux, or Carcassonne, win the Old World campaign on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_WINNING_BRETONNIA_2
149 1.00% Da Greatest Warboss: Win a campaign as the Greenskins on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_WINNING_GREENSKINS_2
150 1.00% Ariel's Champion: Playing as the Wood Elves or Argwylon, win the Season of Revelation challenge campaign on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_WINNING_WOOD_ELVES_REVELATION_LEGENDARY
151 1.00% Siggurd's Inheritance: Construct 5 Pillars of Skulls across your hordes. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CONSTRUCTION_PILLAR_OF_SKULLS_5
152 1.00% Master of the Hunt: Playing as Norsca or the Wintertooth, complete all Monster Hunts. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_NORSCA_ANY_COMPLETE_ALL_MONSTER_HUNTS
153 0.90% Take the Eye Test: Playing as Beastmen, win the Eye for an Eye challenge campaign on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_WINNING_BEASTMEN_EYE_LEGENDARY
154 0.80% Pillagers of the Old World: Playing as Norsca or the Wintertooth, win a campaign on Very Hard or Legendary difficulty. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_NORSCA_ANY_WIN_CAMPAIGN_VH_LEGENDARY
155 0.80% The Dream of What Could Be: Playing as Bretonnia, Bordeleaux, or Carcassonne, win 5 heroic victories during a campaign. WH_ACHIEVEMENTS_HEROIC_VICTORIES_BRETONNIA
156 0.60% Da Best Raiderz: Playing as the Greenskins, have a raiding income of 8,000. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_ECONOMY_INCOME_RAIDING_3
157 0.60% Blessings from the Throne of Ruin: Construct 5 Totems of Horns across your hordes. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_CONSTRUCTION_TOTEM_OF_HORNS_1
158 0.50% The Long War, the Endless Hunt: Playing as Beastmen, have a raiding income of 6,000. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_BEASTMEN_ECONOMY_INCOME_RAIDING
159 0.50% Surprise! You're Dead...: Playing as Beastmen, win 10 ambush battles during a single campaign. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_BEASTMEN_WIN_10_CAMPAIGN_AMBUSH_BATTLE
160 0.40% The Undergrowth Advantage: Playing as the Wood Elves or Argwylon, win 10 ambush battles during a single campaign. WH_ACHIEVEMENT_WOOD_ELVES_WIN_10_CAMPAIGN_AMBUSH_BATTLE