Sam's statistics for Breach & Clear: Deadline Rebirth (2016)

Sam's Game List  >  Breach & Clear: Deadline Rebirth (2016)

Achievements completed: 2 (4.35%)

Achievements: (2 / 46):
# Global Completion % Description API Name
1 35.60% I Love It When A Plan Comes Together: Execute 100 orders in command mode. plan
2 34.50% Cannon Fodder: Defeat 100 roamers. roamers
3 33.80% AR Master: Defeat 50 enemies with assault rifles. ar
4 32.00% Now It's Better: Equip an attachment. attach
5 29.50% Faster & Furiouser: Use fast travel. fast
6 28.50% Restraining Order: Defeat 100 stalkers. stalkers
7 27.10% Tailor: Fully upgrade a headgear piece or a vest. tailor
8 26.80% Rifle Master: Defeat 50 enemies with rifles. rifle
9 24.80% Explorer: Find 5 unique locations in hubs. locations1
10 23.80% LMG Master: Defeat 50 enemies with light machine guns. lmg
11 23.70% SMG Master: Defeat 50 enemies with submachine guns. smg
12 21.60% Looter: Open 50 loot crates. looter
13 17.90% Shotgun Master: Defeat 50 enemies with shotguns. shotgun
14 14.30% Urban Decay: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) story1
15 13.60% Quartermaster: Fully upgrade a weapon. upgrade
16 13.40% What Are The Odds: Find a rare item in a loot chest. rare
17 13.30% Grim Reaper: Defeat 1000 enemies total. reaper
18 12.60% Archaelogist: Find 10 unique locations in hubs. locations2
19 10.10% Sidearm Master: Defeat 50 enemies with sidearms. sidearm
20 10.10% This Is My Gun: Name a gun. gunname
21 9.20% Quest Love: Complete 20 quests. quest
22 8.60% A Quick Death: Defeat 100 rushers. runners
23 8.10% All That Glitters Is Gold: Find 50,000 scrap. scrap
24 8.00% Parks & Desecration: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) story2
25 8.00% Hunt Or Be Hunted: Defeat 100 human enemies. mercs
26 7.30% Master Of Upgrading: Fully upgrade a rare weapon. upgraderare
27 6.80% Diver: Get to the final floor of a dungeon. diver
28 5.60% Residential Evil: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) story3
29 5.20% Scrapper: Scrap 50 weapons. scrapper
30 5.20% Dock and Cover: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) story4
31 5.00% Dora: Find 25 unique locations in hubs. locations3
32 4.50% Two Heads: Create a plan with another player. coop1
33 4.30% Halfway There: Level a character to 15. level15
34 3.60% Best Buddies: Complete a quest with another player. coop2
35 3.50% Bite The Hand That Feeds: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) wes
36 3.50% Chester Copperpot: Explore 50 dungeon floors. dungeons1
37 3.10% Kitted Out: Equip all four squad members with rare primary weapons. kitted
38 3.00% Projectile Vomit: Defeat 100 spitters. spitters
39 2.10% Rare Loot: Equip a rare uniform, vest, and headgear piece. rare3
40 2.00% Call Me Scoop Life: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) jaden
41 1.90% Fight Together: Fight through 10 dungeon floors with another player. coop3
42 1.90% Henry Jones Jr.: Explore 100 dungeon floors. dungeons2
43 1.70% Max Power: Level a character to 30. level30
44 1.40% Shoot The Medic: Defeat 100 breeders. medics