Sam's statistics for Breach & Clear

Sam's Game List  >  Breach & Clear

Achievements completed: 17 (26.56%)

Achievements: (17 / 64):
# Global Completion % Description API Name
1 9.50% Stunning: Stun 100 enemies with flashbangs or breach charges. stunning
2 9.00% Hunter: Complete all Terrorist Hunt missions on medium difficulty or higher. mediumTHComplete
3 8.80% Locksmith: Use each breach type once. lock
4 8.30% Hardcore: Defeat 1,000 enemies. kills3
5 8.00% I Call Shotgun: Defeat 50 enemies with shotguns. shotguns1
6 8.00% Why Even Breach?: Perform an explosive breach that kills two enemies. breach
7 7.90% Made It: Have a single teammate complete a location with low health. madeit
8 6.90% Well-traveled: Clear 100 locations. missions1
9 5.40% Perfection: Take no damage during a mission with 10 or more enemies. perfecto
10 5.20% Experienced: Earn a total of 550 stars. stars550
11 4.50% Bite the Hand that Feeds: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) wes
12 4.20% This is my Boomstick: Defeat 100 enemies with shotguns. shotguns2
13 4.10% All the Medals: Earn four stars across every mission on every difficulty (Kabul, Turkey, and South China Sea). allstars
14 3.30% Vatform: Clear a Frozen Synapse location with any team except Petrov's Shard. n_clear
15 3.30% Massacre: Clear a Frozen Synapse location in Terrorist Hunt. th_fs_clear
16 2.90% Collector: Create a squad for each faction (SEALs, Rangers, SF, and JTF2). collect
17 2.90% Veteran: Earn a total of 800 stars. stars800
18 2.70% A Plan Comes Together: Complete all Escape Plan missions on medium difficulty or higher. mediumEPComplete
19 2.60% Hurt Locker: Complete all Bomb Defusal missions on medium difficulty or higher. mediumBDComplete
20 2.50% Resistance: Defeat 50 enemy Shapeforms. fsenemy1
21 2.40% Corteca: Clear Frozen Synapse locations 5 times. fslocation1
22 2.30% Graham Nix: Create a Petrov's Shard team. petrov
23 2.30% Explosions!: Defeat 100 enemies with grenades. explosions
24 2.10% Quartermaster: Level a Weapons Sergeant to level 30. sarge
25 2.00% Lead the Team: Level a Fireteam Leader to level 30. ftl
26 1.90% Fireworks: Level a Breacher to level 30. breacher
27 1.90% Intelligent: Level an Intelligence Specialist to level 30. intel
28 1.90% Patch Adams: Level a Medic to level 30. medic
29 1.80% Shape Purge: Defeat 100 enemy Shapeforms. fsenemy2
30 1.70% Quick to the Draw: Level a Direct Action Specialist to level 30. directaction
31 1.70% Extraction: Clear a Frozen Synapse location in Escape Plan. ep_fs_clear
32 1.60% Terminated: Defeat 250 enemies with shotguns. shotguns3
33 1.60% Tactics: Defeat 150 enemy Shapeforms. fsenemy3
34 1.60% Facility Takedown: Clear a Frozen Synapse location in Bomb Defusal. bd_fs_clear
35 1.50% Belacqua: Clear a Frozen Synapse location with Petrov's Shard. p_clear
36 1.40% Red One/Blue One: Defuse 100 bombs. bombs1
37 1.30% Elite: Defeat 5,000 enemies. kills4
38 1.30% Star Breacher: Earn a total of 1400 stars. stars1400
39 1.30% Untouchable: Complete 15 missions on medium difficulty or higher without taking damage. unharmed15
40 1.20% Denshen: Clear Frozen Synapse locations 20 times. fslocation2
41 1.20% Impeccable: Earn a total of 1700 stars. stars1700
42 1.10% Global: Clear 500 locations. missions2
43 1.00% Set Up Us The Bomb: Defuse 250 bombs. bombs2
44 1.00% Torpor: Clear Frozen Synapse locations 40 times. fslocation3
45 1.00% Serious: Defeat 10,000 enemies. kills5
46 0.90% Seasoned: Clear 1,000 locations. missions3
47 0.90% Rising: Defeat 53,594 enemies. kills6