Sam's statistics for Half-Life 2

Sam's Game List  >  Half-Life 2

Achievements completed: 22 (66.67%)

Achievements: (22 / 33):
# Global Completion % Description API Name
1 44.80% Submissive: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) HL2_PUT_CANINTRASH
2 22.70% OSHA Violation: Kill 3 enemies using the crane. HL2_KILL_ENEMIES_WITHCRANE
3 13.20% Atomizer: Disintegrate 15 soldiers by throwing them into a Combine ball field. HL2_DISINTEGRATE_SOLDIERSINFIELD
4 11.30% Counter-Sniper: Kill all of the snipers in City 17. HL2_KILL_ALLC1709SNIPERS
5 9.80% Two Points: Use DOG's ball to make a basket in Eli's scrapyard. HL2_MAKEABASKET
6 9.70% Vorticough: Discover the hidden singing vortigaunt cave in chapter Water Hazard. HL2_FIND_VORTIGAUNTCAVE
7 7.30% Flushed: Kill an enemy with a toilet. HL2_KILL_ENEMY_WITHTOILET
8 7.20% Hack Attack!: Kill five enemies with a Manhack. HLX_KILL_ENEMIES_WITHMANHACK
9 7.10% Zombie Chopper: Play through Ravenholm using only the Gravity Gun. HL2_BEAT_RAVENHOLM_NOWEAPONS
10 5.80% Keep Off the Sand!: Cross the antlion beach in chapter Sandtraps without touching the sand. HL2_BEAT_DONTTOUCHSAND
11 4.10% Lambda Locator: Find all lambda caches in Half-Life 2. HL2_FIND_ALLLAMBDAS