Sam's statistics for The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition

Sam's Game List  >  The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition

Achievements completed: 0 (0.00%)

Achievements: (0 / 52):
# Global Completion % Description API Name
1 66.80% Perfectionist: Kill 10 foes in a row without losing any Vitality. ACH_PERFECIONIST
2 55.10% Taster: Drink one potion. ACH_POTION_TASTER
3 52.00% The Fugitive: Finish the Prologue. ACH_PROLOG_FINISHED
4 42.30% Intimidator: Intimidate someone. ACH_SCARE_HIM
5 37.70% Craftsman: Hire a craftsman to create an item. ACH_CRAFTER
6 34.70% Great Potion!: Brew the ostmurk potion. ACH_OSTMURK
7 34.50% Journeyman: Achieve character level 10. ACH_LEVEL_10
8 34.20% Oh My God! You Killed the Kayran! You Bastards!: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) ACH_TENDRAKE_DEAD
9 32.70% Apprentice: Use alchemy to brew five potions or oils. ACH_ALCHEMY_JOURNEYMAN
10 31.00% To Aedirn!: Complete Chapter 1. ACH_ACT1_FINISHED
11 28.50% Gambler: Win an arm wrestling match, a dice poker game and a fist fight. ACH_GAMBLER
12 25.90% The Butcher of Blaviken: Kill 500 foes. ACH_BUTCHER
13 25.20% Fat Man: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) ACH_DRAUG_DEAD
14 25.00% Alea Iacta Est: Complete Chapter 2. ACH_ACT2_FINISHED
15 23.20% To Be Continued...: Finish the game at any difficulty level. ACH_TO_BE_CONTINUED
16 23.10% Once Ain't Enough: Reach the Epilogue of the game. ACH_ACT3_FINISHED
17 22.00% Librarian: Find all additional information about the insane asylum's history. ACH_LIBRARIAN
18 21.50% Swordmaster: Acquire the Combat Acumen ability. ACH_SWORD_MAN
19 21.40% Torn Asunder!: Kill more than one opponent using a single exploding bomb. ACH_EXPLOSIVE
20 20.20% Eagle Eye: Hit Count Etcheverry using the ballista. ACH_HAWKEYE
21 19.80% Sensitive Guy: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) ACH_SAMARITAN
22 19.30% Man of the Shadows: Successfully sneak through Loredo's garden and find the component of the kayran trap. ACH_SHADOWMAN
23 18.60% Friend of Trolls: Spare all trolls in the game. ACH_TROLL_FRIEND
24 17.90% Old Friends: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) ACH_OLDFRIENDSHIP
25 16.70% Dragonheart: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) ACH_LASTDRAGON
26 16.40% Ricochet: Kill a foe by deflecting his own arrow at him. ACH_RICOCHET
27 16.00% Threesome: Kill three foes at once by performing a group finisher. ACH_TRIANGLE
28 15.60% Backbone: Craft a suit of armor from elements of the kayran's carapace. ACH_DRAGON_ALIVE
29 15.10% Gladiator: Defeat all opponents in the Kaedweni arena. ACH_GLADIATOR
30 14.00% Heartbreaker: Seduce Ves. ACH_HEARTBREAKER
31 13.90% Pest Control: Finish all quests involving the destruction of monster nests. ACH_DERATIZATION
32 12.90% Mutant!: Enhance abilities using mutagens at least five times. ACH_MUTANT
33 11.30% Guru: Achieve character level 35. ACH_LEVEL_35
34 10.90% Being Witcher George: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) ACH_DRAGON_DEAD
35 10.80% Master of Magic: Acquire the Sense of Magic ability. ACH_MAGIC_MAN
36 10.40% Avenger: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) ACH_AVENGER
37 10.30% Black Ops: Sneak through the lower camp without raising the alarm. ACH_SNEAKER
38 9.80% Tourist: Tour the camp with Zyvik. ACH_TOURIST
39 9.70% Spellbreaker: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) ACH_SPELLBREAKER
40 9.60% Witch Hunter: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) ACH_WITCHHUNTER
41 9.00% Focus: Perform three successful ripostes in a row. ACH_CONCENTRATION
42 7.90% Necromancer: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) ACH_NECROMANT
43 7.70% Summer Solstice: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) ACH_SUMMER
44 7.70% Artful Dodger: Cut off a tentacle using the kayran trap. ACH_TENTAKILLER
45 7.10% Winter Solstice: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) ACH_WINTER
46 6.70% Kingmaker: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) ACH_KINGMAKER
47 6.50% Master Alchemist: Acquire the Mutant ability. ACH_ALCHEMY_MAN
48 6.30% Miser: Collect 10000 orens. ACH_CHEAPSKATE
49 6.10% Reasons of State: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) ACH_STATE_REASON
50 5.70% Poker!: Roll five-of-a-kind at dice poker. ACH_POKER
51 2.80% Trollslayer: Kill all the trolls in the game. ACH_TROLL_KILLER
52 1.90% Madman: Finish the game while playing at the Insane difficulty level. ACH_INSANITY