Sam's statistics for Dune: Spice Wars

Sam's Game List  >  Dune: Spice Wars

Achievements completed: 18 (17.65%)

Achievements: (18 / 102):
# Global Completion % Description API Name
1 80.60% Defender: Eliminate a raid targetting you Defender
2 40.80% Way of the Air: Use a shuttle to transport troops WayOfTheAir
3 38.20% First Step: Propose a Truce to an opponent and get it accepted FirstStep
4 36.20% Full House: Build a building in every base slot FullHouse
5 35.70% Shiny New Gear: Buy some gear in the Barracks ShinyNewGear
6 28.80% Back to School: Complete a tutorial WinTutorial
7 26.90% Interstellar Transit: Build a Spacing Guild Branch InterstellarTransit
8 22.40% Favoritism: Choose a Hero Favoritism
9 22.30% Economist: Research all Economic Developments AllEconomicDevs
10 21.30% Water Seller: Have at least 100 net water production WaterSeller
11 19.40% Pest Control: Destroy a Renegade Base PestControl
12 18.50% Hegemon: Win an Hegemony victory Hegemon
13 18.20% Desert Fighter: Win in medium difficulty or more WinMedium
14 18.10% Bringing a Spaceship to a Knife Fight: Recruit a Frigate SpaceshipToAKnifeFight
15 17.90% Logistician: Research all Military Developments AllMilitaryDevs
16 15.70% Ghola Hero: Recruit the Ghola of a dead Hero GholaHero
17 15.60% Lawful Aggression: Use your Influence to end a Truce legally EndTruce
18 14.40% Ready to Rumble: Have 10 gear equipped at the same time ReadyToRumble
19 14.30% Plans within Plans: Win a conquest mission with a completed secondary objective ConquestWinWithSecondaryObjective
20 12.40% Sociologist: Research all Expansion Developments AllExpansionDevs
21 12.20% Disobeying The Form: Use Atomics UseAtomicsOnSomeoneElse
22 11.60% Hero Slayer: Kill an enemy Hero HeroSlayer
23 10.50% One in a million: Destroy a Frigate OneInAMillion
24 10.20% Governor: Win with the Dune Governorship charter Governor
25 8.80% Killer: Assassinate an enemy leader Killer
26 8.80% Analyst: Research all Political Developments AllStatecraftDevs
27 8.10% Dreaded Baron: Win with House Harkonnen WinHarkonnen
28 7.70% Playing with Others: Finish a multiplayer game (without forfeiting) Multiplayer
29 7.40% A taste of their own medicine: Kill an enemy assassin ATasteOfHisOwnMedicine
30 6.70% Cunning Criminal: Win with the Smugglers WinSmugglers
31 6.40% Ruthless Emperor: Win with House Corrino WinCorrino
32 5.50% Duelist: Win a Kanly KanlyWin
33 5.50% Ichwan Bedwine: As the Fremen, get to Ally status with every Sietch AlliedAllSietches
34 4.80% Magnate: Win by owning more than half of CHOAM Shares Magnate
35 4.50% Guild Lackey: Have 500 Guild Favors GuildLackey
36 4.20% Strategist: Win in hard difficulty or more WinHard
37 3.90% Landsraad's Favorite: As House Atreides, have all Charters active at the same time AllCharters
38 3.90% Fully Furnished: As House Corrino, own at least 12 Main Base Buildings FullyFurnished
39 3.80% The Duke of Caladan: Win a conquest with House Atreides ConquestWinAtreides
40 3.60% Prom King: Get elected to a Resolution with at least 1000 total votes backing you PromKing
41 3.40% Assassin: Win by assassinating your last opponent Assassin
42 3.30% One Against All: Win a game while in Conflict with 3 alive opponents for at least 3 months WinAtWar
43 3.20% Peaceful Dune: Win a game while in a Truce with 3 alive opponents for at least 1 month WinAtPeace
44 2.70% Half a World: Control at least 30 regions HalfAWorld
45 2.60% Prudent: Win a game in solo play without losing or disbanding a single non-temporary military unit or village WinNoLosses
46 2.60% Successful Betrayal: Eliminate a faction you have betrayed a truce with in the last 20 days SuccessfulBetrayal
47 2.50% Refined Archduchess: Win with House Ecaz WinEcaz
48 2.50% Thrill of Victory: Win a standard multiplayer game (with at least 1 other player) MultiplayerWin
49 2.30% Master of Arrakis: Win in insane difficulty WinInsane
50 2.00% The Fortress: Eliminate House Harkonnen in conquest mode ConquestEliminateHarkonnen
51 1.70% Distraction: Win the game while another player that you helped elect is Dune Governor Distraction
52 1.50% The Red Exhibition: Eliminate House Ecaz in conquest mode ConquestEliminateEcaz
53 1.50% Downfall: Eliminate House Corrino in conquest mode ConquestEliminateCorrino
54 1.50% Sandlord: As the Fremen, control 2 Deep Deserts Sandlord
55 1.50% Underworld Empire: As the Smugglers, own an Underworld Headquarter in every village and Main Base owned by other factions EveryStructureHasHeadquarters
56 1.50% Pariah: Win a game in solo play while having Pariah Standing for at least a month WinMonthPariah
57 1.50% No Mercy for Traitors: Eliminate a faction that has betrayed a truce with you in the last 20 days NoMercy
58 1.40% The Emperor of Salusa Secundus: Win a conquest with House Corrino ConquestWinCorrino
59 1.30% Clever Earl: Win with House Vernius WinVernius
60 1.10% Squeeze Hard: As House Harkonnen, produce at least 250 Spice in a single Village SingleVillageSpiceProd
61 1.10% Heroic Champion: As House Ecaz, have a champion worth 5000 Hegemony HeroicChampion
62 1.00% Siege of Arrakeen: Eliminate House Atreides in conquest mode ConquestEliminateAtreides
63 0.90% The Baron of Giedi Prime: Win a conquest with House Harkonnen ConquestWinHarkonnen
64 0.90% No Offense: As House Atreides, win a game without ever attacking a village WinNoVillageAttacks
65 0.80% Singularity: Eliminate House Vernius in conquest mode ConquestEliminateVernius
66 0.70% Recycling: Have 500 Spaceship Parts Scrapers
67 0.70% The Archduchess of Ecaz: Win a conquest with House Ecaz ConquestWinEcaz
68 0.60% Get it over with: As House Harkonnen, sacrifice an agent to assassinate your last opponent AssassinateLastOpponent
69 0.60% Awakening: With House Vernius, reach 100 Knowledge Awakening
70 0.50% Savage: Win a game in solo play without a single development researched WinNoDevs
71 0.50% Insanity: Win against 3 Insane AIs in solo, with Sandworm Activity, Storm Activity, Neutral Difficulty and Contract Difficulty at highest settings and all Victory conditions turned on Insanity
72 0.50% Patent Troll: With House Vernius, gain 5000 Solari through Patents in a single game PatentTroll
73 0.40% You Shall Not Pass: Own a village with 8 Heavy Militias and 2 Missile Batteries YouShallNotPass
74 0.40% The Earl of Ix: Win a conquest with House Vernius ConquestWinVernius
75 0.30% Total Infiltration: As the Smugglers, have a total of 21 levels of Infiltration MaximumInfiltration
76 0.30% Empire Strikes Back: As House Corrino, win a game with at least one of your Imperial Base destroyed WinMainBaseDestroyed
77 0.30% Friendly Native: Ally the Fremen in Conquest ConquestFriendlyNative
78 0.30% World Museum: As House Ecaz, have 50 Masterpieces in a single game WorldMuseum
79 0.20% United People: Unite the Fremen in Conquest ConquestUnitedPeople
80 0.10% The Liberator of Dune: Win a conquest with The Fremen ConquestWinFremen
81 0.10% The Godfather of Arrakis: Win a conquest with The Smugglers ConquestWinSmugglers
82 0.10% Kwisatz Haderach: Win a Conquest in less than 4 years ConquestKwisatzHaderach
83 0.10% Corrupted Nobility: Corrupt the Faufreluches in Conquest ConquestCorruptedNobility
84 0.00% Golden Path: Win a Conquest in Insane difficulty ConquestGoldenPath