Sam's statistics for Command & Conquer™ Remastered Collection

Sam's Game List  >  Command & Conquer™ Remastered Collection

Achievements completed: 12 (36.36%)

Achievements: (12 / 33):
# Global Completion % Description API Name
1 17.70% Tanks A Lot!: Collectively build 500 tanks across all sessions between Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert. TanksALotA
2 15.80% Short Fuse: Collectively fire 100 super weapons across all sessions in Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert ShortFuseA
3 12.20% Destroy the Robot Overlords: Win 5 skirmish matches between Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert DestroytheRobotOverlordsA
4 8.40% I've got a present for ya!: Collectively destroy 100 buildings with C4 across all sessions using the Commando in Tiberian Dawn, or Tanya in Red Alert. IvegotapresentforyaA
5 8.30% Crush the Resistance: Complete the Soviet Campaign CrushtheResistanceA
6 7.90% I did Nod See that Coming!: Finish the final mission of the Nod campaign IdidNodSeethatComingA
7 7.60% Befriend the Robot Overlords: Play 10 skirmish matches between Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert BefriendtheRobotOverlordsA
8 6.10% Hell March: Create a playlist in the Jukebox in Red Alert HellMarchA
9 4.10% Making Friends: Play 10 multiplayer matches (any settings, including comp stomp) MakingFriendsA
10 3.10% Death From Above: Use the Ion Cannon to finish off the Temple of Nod in the GDI campaign DeathFromAboveA
11 2.50% High Anxiety: Collectively build 500 aircraft across all sessions in Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert. HighAnxietyA
12 2.30% Console Madness: Complete all Spec Ops bonus missions in Tiberian Dawn ConsoleMadnessA
13 2.30% Ants?: Complete all the "It came from Red Alert" missions AntsA
14 2.20% Electrotherapy: Complete the Counterstrike Missions ElectrotherapyA
15 2.10% Life... Finds a Way: Complete the Fun Park missions in Tiberian Dawn LifeFindsaWayA
16 2.10% Cloak and Daggers: Complete all Covert Operations missions in Tiberian Dawn CloakandDaggersA
17 2.00% Time is only a concept: Complete the Aftermath missions TimeisonlyaconceptA
18 1.40% Red Alert Historian: Unlock all Bonus Gallery content in Red Alert RedAlertHistorianA
19 1.40% Tiberian Historian: Unlock all Bonus Gallery content in Tiberian Dawn TiberianHistorianA
20 1.10% DEFCON None.: Complete all the Red Alert campaigns missions on hardest difficulty DEFCONNoneA
21 0.80% The Best Around: Complete all Tiberian Dawn missions on the hardest difficulty TheBestAroundA