kosh's statistics for Minion Masters

kosh's Game List  >  Minion Masters

Achievements completed: 0 (0.00%)

Achievements: (0 / 38):
# Global Completion % Description API Name
1 48.10% Ranked Winner: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Quest_39
2 42.70% Apprentice Collection: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Quest_46
3 40.60% The Stone League: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Quest_25
4 35.90% Ranked Conqueror: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Quest_40
5 33.70% Defeat them all: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Quest_45
6 33.30% The Bronze League: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Quest_26
7 33.20% Supreme!: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Quest_20
8 32.70% Common Crafter: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Quest_35
9 28.70% Daily Winner: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Quest_52
10 26.30% The Silver League: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Quest_27
11 24.30% Power Gatherer: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Quest_31
12 24.30% Rare Crafter: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Quest_36
13 24.10% Novice Collection: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Quest_47
14 20.90% Challenge accepted!: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Quest_49
15 19.80% Legendary!: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Quest_21
16 19.60% Tactics Study: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Quest_24
17 19.50% Deck Maker: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Quest_51
18 19.10% Ranked Annihilator: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Quest_41
19 16.50% Challenge completed!: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Quest_50
20 16.50% Supreme Crafter: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Quest_37
21 14.60% Daily Conqueror: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Quest_53
22 14.60% Resource Gatherer: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Quest_28
23 14.30% Close one: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Quest_34
24 13.20% Ranked Obliterator: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Quest_42
25 12.00% Know it all: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Quest_44
26 11.90% Master Collection: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Quest_48
27 11.00% Spell Slinger: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Quest_57
28 10.50% Power Manager: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Quest_32
29 9.70% Legendary Crafter: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Quest_38
30 9.30% Resource Manager: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Quest_29
31 8.80% Daily Annihilator: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Quest_54
32 8.30% Legendary Royale!: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Quest_22
33 6.60% Power Master: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Quest_33
34 6.40% Daily Obliterator: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Quest_55
35 6.10% Ranked Master: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Quest_43
36 5.80% Resource Master: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Quest_30
37 5.00% Friend Challenger: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Quest_23
38 4.90% Daily Master: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Quest_56