kosh's statistics for Ylands

kosh's Game List  >  Ylands

Achievements completed: 0 (0.00%)

Achievements: (0 / 56):
# Global Completion % Description API Name
1 9.70% Captain: Claim your first ship Achv_Captain
2 2.80% It's a whole book!?: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Achv_WholeBook
3 2.50% Explorer: Collect 100 exploration points Achv_Explorer1
4 2.40% Gardener: Plant 100 plants Achv_Gardener1
5 2.10% Sailor: Sail to 10 Ylands Achv_Sailor1
6 1.70% Veteran Explorer: Collect 200 exploration points Achv_Explorer2
7 1.60% Qualified Ylander: Complete Ylands tutorial Achv_QualifiedYlander
8 1.60% Eureka!: Learn 100 new recipes from random encounters Achv_Eureka
9 1.50% Veteran Gardener: Plant 500 plants Achv_Gardener2
10 1.40% Sharpshooter: Kill an enemy that's further than 50 meters with a ranged weapon Achv_Sharpshooter
11 1.40% Architect: Place 1000 building blocks Achv_Architect1
12 1.30% Feeling Blue: Complete your first blueprint Achv_FeelingBlue
13 1.10% Spirited Elsewhere: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Achv_SpiritedElsewhere
14 1.10% Master Gardener: Plant 1000 plants Achv_Gardener3
15 1.10% Green Thumb: Plant 10 types of plant Achv_GreenThumb
16 1.00% Globetrotter: Visit 5 different biomes Achv_Globetrotter
17 1.00% Master Explorer: Collect 500 exploration points Achv_Explorer3
18 1.00% Dodgeball Champion: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Achv_DodgeballChampion
19 0.90% Memory Closer: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Achv_MemoryCloser
20 0.90% Talent Agent: Place a Vendor Banner Achv_TalentAgent
21 0.80% Art Critic: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Achv_ArtCritic
22 0.80% Animal Whisperer: Tame 10 animals Achv_AnimalWhisperer1
23 0.80% Mutant Slayer: Kill 100 mutated enemies Achv_MutantSlayer1
24 0.70% Veteran Sailor: Sail to 50 Ylands Achv_Sailor2
25 0.70% Sightseer: Visit 100 unique encounters Sightseer
26 0.70% Unlimited Power: Craft an energy generator Achv_UnlimitedPower
27 0.70% Oops!: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Achv_Oops
28 0.60% Veteran Architect: Place 5000 building blocks Achv_Architect2
29 0.50% Ylander's Ark: Tame 10 types of animal Achv_YlandersArk
30 0.50% I Got a Gift: Get an item from a friend Achv_IGotAGift
31 0.50% Veteran Animal Whisperer: Tame 20 animals Achv_AnimalWhisperer2
32 0.50% Lightbringer: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Achv_Lightbringer
33 0.50% Takeoff!: Craft a Propeller Pack Achv_Takeoff
34 0.50% Master Architect: Place 10000 building blocks Achv_Architect3
35 0.50% Extinguisher: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Achv_Extinguisher
36 0.50% Mystery Solver: Complete 5 Mystery Ylands Achv_MysterySolver
37 0.50% Mechanic: Assemble your first car Achv_Mechanic
38 0.50% Master Sailor: Sail to 100 Ylands Achv_Sailor3
39 0.40% Veteran Mutant Slayer: Kill 500 mutated enemies Achv_MutantSlayer2
40 0.40% Good Friend: Send an item to a friend Achv_GoodFriend
41 0.40% It's a trap!: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Achv_ItsATrap!
42 0.40% Ventihilator: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Achv_Ventihilator
43 0.40% Alchemist: Craft 10 types of potions Achv_Alchemist
44 0.40% Chef: Cook 20 different meals in a workstation Achv_Chef
45 0.40% Master Animal Whisperer: Tame 50 animals Achv_AnimalWhisperer3
46 0.40% Free Man: (Note: this is a hidden achievement that has not been released to the public yet) Achv_FreeMan
47 0.40% Steely Fellow: Find all the pieces of Mk. I Armor Achv_SteelyFellow
48 0.30% Master Mutant Slayer: Kill 1000 mutated enemies Achv_MutantSlayer3
49 0.20% Cryptozoologist: Tame 10 mythical animals Achv_Cryptozoologist1
50 0.20% Veteran Cryptozoologist: Tame 20 mythical animals Achv_Cryptozoologist2
51 0.20% Master Cryptozoologist: Tame 30 mythical animals Achv_Cryptozoologist3
52 0.20% Little Hoarder: Collect all the stolen toys Achv_LittleHoarder
53 0.10% Friend of the Elves: Complete story chapter 3 Achv_FriendOfTheElves
54 0.10% Little Herder: Tame all the escaped draft animals Achv_LittleHerder
55 0.10% Having a Snowball: Hit others with snowballs Achv_HavingASnowball
56 0.00% Moons and Mushrooms: Read all 26 lore entries on Luring Lighthouse Achv_MoonsAndMushrooms