Sam's statistics for Infested Planet

Sam's Game List  >  Infested Planet

Achievements completed: 22 (61.11%)

Achievements: (22 / 36):
# Global Completion % Description API Name
1 22.80% Expert: Win a capture map at Ruins difficulty. BEAT_RUINS
2 22.60% Clone Killer: Finish a random capture mission with the Clone Strike mutation. MUTATION_CLONE_STRIKE
3 22.40% Broken Arrow: Finish a random capture mission with the Sharp Spikes mutation. MUTATION_SHARP_SPIKES
4 22.00% Armed To The Teeth: Unlock all weapons, tech and buildings in the campaign. UNLOCK_EVERYTHING
5 16.90% Hive-B-Gone: Finish a random capture mission with the Burrowing Hive mutation. MUTATION_BURROWING_HIVE
6 16.40% Master: Win a capture map at Abyss difficulty. BEAT_ABYSS
7 14.70% Raider: Kill all hives on a raid map at Ruins difficulty. BEAT_RUINS_RAID
8 13.00% Tinkerer: Start a skirmish custom map. START_CUSTOM_MAP
9 11.00% Guard Slayer: Finish a random capture mission with the Guardians mutation. MUTATION_GUARDIANS
10 10.80% Grand Master: Win a capture map at Terminus difficulty. BEAT_TERMINUS
11 9.80% Raider Captain: Kill all hives on a raid map at Abyss difficulty. BEAT_ABYSS_RAID
12 8.00% Raider King: Kill all hives on a raid map at Terminus difficulty. BEAT_TERMINUS_RAID
13 4.60% Back From The Dead: Undo 10 mutations at once during the Endgame mission. BEAT_ENDGAME_EXTRA_HARD
14 3.90% Get Your Own: Finish Tension without losing a crate to the aliens. BEAT_TENSION_EXTRA_NOLOSS